The EBI Foundation supports a wide variety of causes in the communities where we live and work.

About the Foundation
The EBI Foundation believes that the company's success is interwoven with the health, education and prosperity of the community. Created in 1952, the EBI Foundation is financed by EBI and its subsidiaries. Significant gifts have been made in the areas of education and scholarships, environmental preservation, natural disaster response, medical institutions, scientific innovation, the arts organizations and community improvement. In 1988, EBI was honored as a recipient of the Governor's Laurel Award for Responsible Social Involvement.
EBI also encourages individual employees to contribute their time and talent to community projects. The EBI Foundation matches employee contributions to educational and cultural organizations.

The EBI Foundation has a proud history of supporting programs and charities. The Foundation awards grants to qualifying organizations, and offers monetary matches for individual employees to serve the community. For more information on the EBI Foundation's eligibility criteria, please see the Foundation Guidelines.